Nessie Vinylin

Nessie Vinylin

First Class Record Cleaner for your Vinyl

Contact us for more info

Nes­sie Vi­ny­lin is a de­ep-ac­tion clea­ning agent for all electric re­cord-clea­ning ma­chi­nes- Power­ful against dirt – ex­trem­ly gent­le to your re­cor­ds. Nes­sie Vi­ny­lin is a re­a­dy for use pro­duct, no mi­xing is ne­cessa­ry. One 500 ml boot­le is sui­ta­ble for ap­prox. 100 LP-re­cor­ds.

Nes­sie Vi­ny­lin® is per­fect­ly matched to the Nes­sie Vi­nyl­mas­ter® re­cord-clea­ning ma­chi­ne, but al­so a up­grade for other Re­cord Clea­ning Ma­chi­nes. Nes­sie Vi­ny­lin® re­mo­ves con­ta­mi­na­ti­ons quick­ly and bonds them with so-cal­led com­plex­ing agents. The re­cord is clea­ned down to the bot­tom of the groo­ves and the shiny black sur­face is res­to­red.
The clea­ning agent is free from ag­gres­si­ve sub­stan­ces and 100 % com­pa­ti­ble to the sur­face of re­cor­ds. Nes­sie Vi­ny­lin® is not ha­zar­dous in the sen­se of the cur­rent­ly ap­p­lica­ble EC di­rec­tive and re­qui­res no spe­cial de­cla­ra­ti­on.